

Random - Ex Ponto Ljublijana 2008

Seit einigen Jahren ist PLASMA
regelmässiger Gast bei verschiedenen internationalen Festivals:

Wiener Festwochen

Während sechs Wochen im Mai und Juni ist es den Wiener Festwochen alljährlich ein besonderes Anliegen, Kulturereignisse selbst zu schaffen oder mitzugestalten, die höchstes künstlerisches Niveau mit gesellschaftsrelevanten Inhalten und Zielen verbinden […]

facebook-logo-square-neon-webtreatsetcTheaterfestival SPIELART München

SPIELART ist Münchens Fenster zur Theaterwelt.

Es richtet den Blick weit über München hinaus und zeigt alle zwei Jahre im Herbst Theater aus aller Welt, aktuelle Inszenierungen, die neue Ansätze vorstellen und oft heiß diskutiert werden. Es lädt das Publikum für zwei Wochen zu einer Reise ein durch verschiedenste Themen, Theaterästhetiken, kulturelle Landschaften und städtische Räume […]


Zum Auftakt der Jubiläumsfeierlichkeiten am 5. und 7. Januar 2008 gastiert die Schweizer Theatertruppe Plasma im Rahmen des internationalen Theaterfestivals Bharat Rang Mahotsav mit ihrer Produktion "Delirium" in Delhi und Mumbai.

The Bharat Rang Mahotsav (BRM) was started a decade ago by the National School of Drama in order to contribute to the growth and development of theatre across the country. From being an annual national festival that presented the most creative of recent work in India, it has grown into an international event, hosting theatre companies from around the world. […]

Krakowskie Reminiscencje Teatralne (KRT)

Cracow Theatrical Reminiscences  have been taking place since 1975.  In 2003, the festival’s formula was altered, making it one of the most valued theatre festivals both in Poland and abroad. The continuous approval of our audience is very much a result of conscious and courageous artistic decisions that have been made as well as of attentive observation of what is most interesting, innovative and intriguing in theater in Poland and in the world. […]



International Theatre Festival Helsinki

Since 1996 the Baltic Circle project has promoted intercultural exchange primarily in the Baltic Sea region. The Baltic Circle project has resulted in three international theatre festivals in Helsinki (2000, 2003 and 2005). The main organiser of the festivals is Finnish Q-teatteri […]


Far° Festival des arts vivants

25ème édition: du 12 au 22 août 2009

En 2009, le far° festival des arts vivants à Nyon fête sa 25ème édition. Un petit avant-goût des compagnies programmées: Marco Berrettini, Oskar Gòmez Mata et l'Alakran, YoungSoon Cho Jaquet, Garo et le Collectif de la dernière Tangente, Plasma, Les Tops […]


Seoul Performing Arts Festival (SPAF)

Hub for the International Arts Scene

In autumn, artists from various parts of the world will convene at popular venues throughout Seoul to show their creative and innovative performances. No doubt, their artistic passion and commitment will continue to dazzle and amaze all those who attend and participate. […]


one of the most vintaged theatre festivals in Poland

KONTRAPUNKT invites to get entertained not only by theatre arts and craft of our neighbours from behind Oder. For many years the festival presents German performances and visual arts exhibitions. And for some of its editions a part of the festival event takes place in Germany: Schloss Brollin, Pasewalk, Greifswald. Since 2007 part of the KONTRAPUNKT festival has taken place in Berlin; Polish spectators can spend one day enjoying the contest performances on theatrical stages of the capital of Germany. […]


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